Welcome to Oakwood Surgery Center, located in Round Rock, Texas. We are a surgery center affiliated with St. David’s Healthcare, specializing in outpatient surgical procedures. Oakwood Surgery Center provides services to residents of Austin, Travis, Williamson County and surrounding communities.
Oakwood Surgery Center specializes in same-day surgical procedures, allowing patients to recover at home instead of overnight in a hospital. We have provided quality surgical care to thousands of patients since 1997. Our surgery center maintains certifications by the Center for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS) and is accredited by The Joint Commission.
Designed exclusively for outpatient surgery, we have a state-of-the-art facility using the most modern surgical equipment available. Our team includes board certified surgeons and anesthetists, registered nurses and certified surgical technicians professionally trained in surgical and recovery care. We at Oakwood Surgery Center are committed to providing you with the quality care you deserve.
We invite you to look around our website to learn more about us, the surgical services we provide, how you can be prepared for surgery and much more.